Wrinkles are marks of the aging process on the face.
Dynamic wrinkles are the first to be noticed, also known as expression lines, and do not appear at rest.
Static wrinkles are visible even without facial movements and are very common in mature faces.
Fotona Laser technology softens and rejuvenates creased skin. Complementary treatments such as Plasma Rich in Growth Factors -PRF, Botox and Hyaluronic Acid eliminate wrinkles with natural and long-lasting results.
Need for rest time
In the case of laser treatment, the resting time depends on the depth of the peeling:
Being light: 1 to 3 days will be enough. It is generally intended for patients up to 35 years.
The moderate is usually 3 to 5 days, for ages 35 to 55 years.
Deep peeling requires rest between 10 to 21 days, depending on the severity of the wrinkles.
Botox and Fillers or Hyaluronic Acid do not require any need for rest.
Each procedure lasts an average of 30 minutes.
Peeling promotes a controlled regeneration of the skin, revitalizing it. Depending on the depth that the wrinkle reaches, we use specific thermals for each stage of the wrinkle. We usually start the treatment with Laser Peeling.
The Peeling being deep reaches the dermis, which is the intermediate layer of the skin, causing a greater remodeling of the skin, with an increase in the production of collagen, retraction of the skin and improvement of deeper wrinkles.
Botulinum toxin is applied to the muscle, causing the region to relax. Its action is to smooth the wrinkles and expression lines of the face.
Filling with hyaluronic acid as the name implies fills by increasing the volume of the temporarily intervened areas.
Visible after the first treatment, the results are as follows:
Smoothing or eliminating wrinkles.
Rejuvenation of the quality and texture of the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin.
Harmonization of the face.
Preoperative care
Skin cleansing, use anesthetic cream 30 minutes before in both treatments.
Postoperative care
For peeling procedure apply cold water, a dermato-cosmetic healing treatment that stimulates cell renewal and cold compresses. Use sunscreen, preferably with SPF 50.
For Botox procedure avoid physical efforts for the next 4 hours and it is also not recommended to lie down. Do not massage the treated area. Use the sunscreen mentioned above.
For Fillers procedure you should apply ice to the treated area to reduce edema. It is convenient to sleep with two pillows (the night after the application).
Avoid direct sun exposure after all the treatments mentioned above.
Expected effects
Laser Skin peeling, swelling and redness in the days following the procedure.
Botox Gradual and controlled paralysis of facial expression muscles.
Edema fillers and mild or moderate bruising may appear.
They will normally disappear in a few days.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Patients who have had some form of herpes will have to undergo preventive treatment beforehand.
Epilepsy. Blood diseases (leukemia, anemia).
Patients with photosensitive drug therapies.
Number of treatments
Depending on the severity, the number of treatments may vary.
Maintenance is essential to keep the face young and without the unsightly wrinkles.
Depending on the severity, half-yearly maintenance visits may be necessary for laser treatments.
Fillers generally require maintenance for 1 to 2 years. Botox between 3 to 4 months.